We are proud to introduce the latest product in DNA quantification, the Pico200. The Pico200 is one of the easiest products to use and it is fast! The Pico200 has a friendly and user intuitive interface. You can easily switch between protocols for nucleic acids, proteins, and other applications. It also comes with pre-programmed methods to quantify your samples. One specific pre-programmed mode is Kinetics that measures your sample every 10 seconds for one minute; perfect for reactions! The Pico200 also only needs 2ul of sample volume to quantify and the sample is read in as little as 3 seconds. The best feature of all might be that your sample is 100% recoverable as the sample remains in the pipette tip already used in your laboratory.
The Pico200 alwos for the recovery of samples because of the unique development of the optical lens configuration combined with the precision manufactured UV transmissive polymer used to make the UVpette tips. These UVpette tips are unique in that they allow the transmission of UV down to 220nm, thereby making them perfect for DNA and RNA studies.
To make things even easier there is no need to clean between samples. There is zero risk of cross-contamination or of evaporation as the sample is kept completely contained. No regular calibration is needed. There is a low cost for maintenance and to run it.
The Pico200 is available with a Bluetooth device, an SD card or a printer. It can also be connected directly to any computer so you can work directly in Excel with sample data and each sample can be given a unique reference number for easy identification.
To request more information please go to our website: http://www.micronicna.com/news/69/introducing--pico200
or feel free to contact us by phone or email.